Friday, February 18, 2011

Боолын ангууч [01-24][Бүх анги]

Боолын Ангууч ОАК-ны бүх ангийг шууд татахаар орууллаа. Таалагдана гэдэгт найдаж байна Бичлэгийн чанар сайн. [480p] Анги тус бүрт парт хийсэн тул заавал бүгдийг н гэлтгүй хүссэн ангийг нь татаад үзсэн ч болно шүү!

Official Title : 추노 (Chuno)
English Title : Slave Hunters (other variants: Pursuing Servants)
Genre: Fusion Sageuk
Main Cast : Jang Hyuk, Lee Da Hae, Oh Ji Ho, Lee Jong Hyuk, Gong Hyung Jin, Kim Ji Suk
PD: Kwak Jung Hwan 곽정환 (Conspiracy In The Court)
Scriptwriter: Chun Sung Il 천성일 (Grade 7 Civil Servant)
Production Company : Chorokbaem Media (초록뱀 미디어)
Broadcast Station : KBS2
First Broadcast : January 6, 2010
Broadcast Times : Wed-Thurs 21:55 (Korea Time)
Number of Episodes : 24
Official Site :
After the end of the war with the Ch’ing Dynasty (Manchu Invasion), slaves talk about joining an uprising of a righteous army. With a new king everyone would be made equal, living a decent life irrespective of social standing.
Keunommee, a slave, is excited but anxious as he joins the uprising.
Dae Gil, a son of a noble, and Un Nyun, a slave girl, are in love. One day Keunommee, Un Nyun’s older brother, sets his master’s house on fire and runs away with Un Nyun. Because of the fire, Dae Gil loses his family and becomes a slave hunter to catch Keunommee and Un Nyun. even so, Dae Gil still can’t give up his feelings for Un Nyun.
Tae Ha, a general-turned-slave, escapes when he hears about Crown Price Seo Hyun being in danger. On the way he runs into Un Nyun who ran away on her honeymoon.
Dae Gil, the number 1 slave hunter in the country, is after Tae Ha.
The story of their entangled fate unfolds. *(taken from KBS Global Media, reworded by o-cha)


  Lee Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk) — He was the son of nobility. During the Manchu invasion his family perished and he was reduced to the living condition no different than a slave. On the streets of the market he learned how to catch runaway slaves and he became a slave hunter.
 Song Tae Ha (Oh Ji Ho) — He was a safety escort and friends of the crown prince when he was captured as a hostage during the Manchu invasion and brought over to China. After 8 years he returned to Joseon (Korea) but he was sentenced to death. In order to escape he took over the identity of a training instructor.
 Un Nyun/Kim Hye Won (Lee Da Hae) — Originally a slave that shared a love relationship with Dae Gil, the son of the master house. She ran away from the master house and took on the name ‘Hye Won’ and came to live as the daughter of a noble.
 Eop Bok (Gong Hyung Jin) – Originally a tiger catcher who due to debt was sold into slavery. He dreams of a new world where there is no yangban (nobility) and nobi (slave); he becomes someone who kills nobles. He was seized by Dae Gil when he ran away and he once again lived as a slave where he later on organized a revolt of the slaves.
 Hwang Chul Woong (Lee Jong Hyuk) – An officer who committed betrayal and murder for his own ambition. Hwang Chul Woong betrayed his friend Tae Ha, the best Joseon warrior, in order to fulfill his ambition and take Tae Ha’s place. After betraying Tae Ha, he becomes a ruthless character going after Tae Ha to kill him.
 General Choi (Han Jung Soo) — The brain and wisdom of the slave hunter gang akin to Guan Yu of The Three Kingdoms stories. In <Chuno> General Choi warmly protects Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk) like a real hyung (older brother). He also gives sharp advice to Dae Gil in the ways of slave hunter and he becomes Dae Gil’s right hand man.
 Wang Son (Kim Ji Suk) — The youngest member of the slave hunter gang Wang Son whose character is in charge of cooking, doing laundry and other dirty work yet also very good in catching (slaves). He has love affairs with women everywhere he goes. He complains about his work all the time yet he follows Dae Gil and General Choi with all his heart.
Sul Hwa (Kim Ha Eun) — Her story in Chuno starts with her being part of a travelling musician group. She meets Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk) by chance and throws herself in with the slave hunter gang and accompanies them. Regardless of the harsh treatments from the slave hunter gang, she is undeterred, stays chatty and keeps a cheerful persona. Viewers will embrace this different fun character Sul Hwa. On the other hand, because of her guilty feeling of having to sell her self, she couldn’t confess her love to Dae Gil (Jang Hyuk). Instead she can only look at him from a distance, weakly guarding their hearts.
Chun Ji Ho (Sung Dong Il) — A rogue. He is Dae Gil’s slave hunter rival.



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